Thursday, January 2, 2020

When You Wish Upon A Star

Our second charity is the incredible When You Wish Upon A Star!
If you know us personally, you will know Sarah’s Fairy God Mother, Barbara 💗

Barbara White found the charity 30 years ago and helps grant wishes for sick children - whatever they want to do, wherever they want to go, Barb will make it happen.

We had wishes granted not only for Caroline but as a family - we went to Florida for 3 weeks doing every Disney park, we swam with dolphins, and of course started McFly Mania. 💙🥰
Each year they fly planes of families out to Lapland to meet Santa and we were so lucky to be able to do this with Caroline. Each plane trip costs nearly £1million so, as much as we won’t raise that much, this is why next year is so important to us ❄️ 

Not only is it the magical things, but they can help fund homes for holidays, emergency care such as private air ambulances or transportation.
There’s not enough words in the world to describe how life changing not only the charity have been, but Barbara herself. Even since we lost Caroline she’s arranged for me and Mum to do things, and even got Mcfly to send us a message to read out at our wedding.
I love Barb beyond words and all the Wish Team
At the office, so here’s to 2020

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